Ah really well articulated. The way so many of the articles you have listed are written are totally click bait and have 1 of the 2 outcomes you mentioned, so definitely not a solution to anything. I also hope that our public discourse around motherhood and work focuses more on recognizing women’s autonomy and agency. The truth is there is no one solution; everyone's situation, background, upbringing is different and no mother should feel guilt following the path she chooses, no matter what that may be. And, mothers should not have to choose between being a mother or having a career / building their own life, whatever that may be.

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May 4, 2022Liked by Seo Yun Yang

Such a smart analysis of the premise and assumptions behind the study cited. Also, THIS and how gendered these descriptors are: "Labels of full-time, part-time, working mother, stay-at-home-mother perpetuate the notion that a mother’s time must be fully attributable to caregiving, if not work outside the home."

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May 4, 2022Liked by Seo Yun Yang

I’ve purposefully chosen not to feel any “mom guilt”. Whether working or not working, guilt doesn’t help. There’s seasons and opportunity for both circumstances (working and stay at home moms). As long as a child is well loved… they will flourish. ❤️

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May 4, 2022Liked by Seo Yun Yang

You posed so many thoughtful questions here and the blanket “conclusions” are worthy of eye rolls…

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May 4, 2022Liked by Seo Yun Yang

Love the title which sums it up so well, but your entire thesis is really great and thought provoking. Yep.

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